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LS27 FC Administrator22 Apr - 09:34
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LS27 FC Statement: Condemnation of Racial Abuse Incident

LS27 FC is deeply saddened and outraged by the recent incident of racial abuse that occurred during our ESF trip to Butlins. It is with great disappointment that we address this issue, as one of our players was subjected to both verbal and physical abuse.

As a grassroots football club, we stand firm in our commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background. Racial discrimination has no place in our club, our sport, or our society.

Although this racial abuse was received from outside of our club, we want to make it unequivocally clear that any form of physical or racial abuse will not be tolerated within our football club. We will be looking to the relevant powers that be to address this incident and ensure that appropriate action is taken.

To our players, supporters, and the wider community, we urge you to stand with us in condemning such despicable behavior. Let us reaffirm our collective commitment to respect, dignity, and equality both on and off the field.

Together, we can and will create a footballing environment where everyone feels safe, valued, and empowered to participate without fear of discrimination or prejudice.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

LS27 FC Management

Further reading